If you are new to the area, or looking to REnew your interest in the area, Newcomer Club will help you forge new friendships and connect with your community. We have been welcoming neighbors to the community for over 50 years.
Activities are the heart of our Newcomer Club. Join interest groups. Learn about entertainment, exhibits, tours, and local dining with your Social Group. Find a new outlet for volunteering with our Community Partners. Attend Clemson sporting events with other members. Participate in annual, club-wide social events. But most of all...Have fun exploring the new place you call "home."
We welcome anyone living in the area who wishes to participate in the groups and events that the Newcomer Club offers. A 3-year membership is just $50/person. See More Information About Newcomer Club Benefits
MEMBERS: Please log in so you can browse the entire site and check out all of the features - such as checking out the Events Calendar, viewing the photos in the Photo Gallery, accessing the Newsletter archives, and finding someone in the Members Directory.
For information on logging in or resetting your password - Click on this link
PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS: If you would like to join Newcomer Club of the Foothills, click here and then click here for payment. (Or you can print out the Member Registration form and mail it in or bring it to a meeting.) When your payment is received, your membership will be activated. You will receive an email with login information, and you will have full access to the site.

Click Here for Information about meetings, location, and directions.
 Check out our new Facebook Page