How do I reset my password?

Login for the first time for members that have paid the dues

  1. #1 Choose “LOGIN” from the top right menu

  2. #2 Choose “Forgot your UserID or Password”

  1. Enter your UserID which is your first name and your last name with the first letter of your first and last name capitaized and no spaces between your name like :BobBarker

    if that doesn't work try the email you gave us when you filled out the form with your membership dues.

    Then click on “Send Password Reset Link”

  1. Within 10 minutes you will receive a email with password reset link. Click on that link

5)Enter you email address

Then your new password and

Confirm your new password

The click “ Reset Password”

Now login with your new password

If all else fails, send email to


In the email include your name and email address and a short description of what happened